With business philosophy: Continuously maintain, stabilize and develop business activities and services in business fields to:

- Maximize benefits and enhance the value of the Company in harmony with the interests of shareholders.

- Continuously improve the lives, income, and working environment of workers.

- Ensure the interests of other stakeholders aiming for sustainable and responsible development. However:

Business is about more than just making a profit. Climate change, economic inequality, and other global challenges that impact communities worldwide have compelled companies to be purpose-driven and contribute to the greater good.

Social responsibility allows the company's business interests to be reconciled with the legitimate interests of the different stakeholders that may be affected, and also assumes the impact of the company's activities on the community in general and the environment.

The present Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (hereinafter, “CSR Policy”) of New World Logistics J/S Company (NWL) intends to establish a reference framework, from which the actions necessary to comply with it are taken.


NWL defines its social responsibility as a "voluntary and strategic commitment that entails attempting to achieve business targets while complying strictly with its legal and contractual obligations, applying criteria of equity and stability to relationships with its stakeholders, thus contributing to meeting the current and future needs of society"

Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility at NWL must be perceived as a way of:

  • Achieving NWL's corporate interest and its strategic goals.
  • Managing the company based on the NWL values of solvency, integrity, transparency, vocation for service, innovation for leadership and committed team, which must be present in any business project that is carried out.
  • Establishing relationships of stability and equality with stakeholders related to the company, mainly those defined in the mission: shareholders, employees, providers, distributors, clients and society.
  • Managing the risks and business opportunities arising from the development of the environment in which NWL does business, assuming the impact it generates on society and the environment, maximizing the positives and minimizing the negatives.
  • Transmitting the company's social value in each region, country, territory, which reconciles the value of its operational activities with the value of the not-for-profit activities it carries out.

To be able to achieve these goals appropriately, the following general and specific principles of action are hereby established.


  1. Compliance with International, Nation Commitments relating to Social Responsibility.
  1. Compliance with current national and international laws and regulations in all countries that NWL operates in, adopting complementary international rules and guidelines.
  1. Maintaining corporate governance practices based on ethics, business transparency and diversity: respecting the rules of the free market and free competition, and rejecting any illegal or fraudulent practice contrary to the rules of good governance, to NWL corporate policies and rules and to the guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, in order to accrue business benefits.

       NWL has internal mechanisms for preventing, monitoring, reporting and penalizing any practice described in the paragraph above that occurs within NWL and and its branches and representative offices.

  1. Communication and dialog with all stakeholders, based on transparency, truth and commitment, as fundamental pillars for building stable relationships that generate trust.

 NWL needs the involvement of its stakeholders, especially those defined in its mission, to achieve its business and social goals and, therefore, it has established specific channels for communication and dialog that also facilitate the company in learning about their needs and expectations.

 NWL undertakes to continuously review and adapt these channels, applying new technologies so that they are appropriate and efficient.

Furthermore, NWL has available processes for identifying those matters considered material or relevant to the development of its business activity and for its stakeholders. This material process is structured as a complement to the aforementioned dialog channels.

  1. Commitment to transparency, as a way of conveying and generating trust and credibility among our stakeholders. This involves:
    1. Disseminating relevant and truthful information regarding the Group's performance and activities, complying with any legal requirements that may exist regarding public information.
    2. Compiling and publishing information using some of the internationally accepted methods in the latter case and subjecting it to the internal and external verification processes considered suitable that guarantee its reliability and provide an incentive for continual improvement.
  1. Commitment to Human Rights. NWL adherences and commits the respect on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of labor.

NWL undertakes to:

  1. a. Avoid practices that are discriminatory or damage people's dignity:

a.1. Striving for a decent, safe and healthy working environment, adopting rules and procedures in the area of occupational health and prevention of occupational risks, avoiding any kind of discriminatory attitude, intimidation or violence, in any of their manifestations due to sex, race, creed, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual disposition, nationality, citizenship, marital status or socioeconomic status.

a. 2. Rejecting child labor and forced or compulsory labor.

b) To provide decent employment:

b.1. NWL pays its employees in a decent manner, adjusted to their skills, responsibilities and duties. This payment is aligned with applicable legislation and with conditions in the market where it operates, which allows them to meet their basic needs and those of their families.

b.2. NWL guarantees the right of its employees respects their right to rest, acknowledging employees' need to balance their work life with other interests and responsibilities.

b. 3. NWL, likewise, guarantees people's right to personal data privacy.

c) To implement due diligence procedures to identify possible situations of greater risk in relation to human rights, and to develop mechanisms for preventing and mitigating these risks in its activities.

  To facilitate compliance with these commitments, NWL will create a Guide which takes the following action areas into consideration: (a) internal, involving all company management and employees, (b) external, which involves stakeholders that are related to the company, especially suppliers and contractors.

       7. Conservation and promotion of the Environment. NWL conducts its activity with a firm commitment to contribute to sustainability from an environmental perspective, materialized through the integration of the environment into the business, prevention of pollution, efficient management of resources and adaptation and mitigation of climate change.


  1. Employees. NWL has a Code of Ethics and Conduct that establishes the rules that must govern behavior and action among employees and in their relationships with third parties. Furthermore, it promotes a working environment based on an atmosphere of mutual trust and commitment, which involves:
    1. Consolidating a culture of respect for people and behavior that is favorable and open to diversity faced with any of the Company's stakeholders.
    2. Guaranteeing the right to effective equal opportunities and dealings with all workers, which allows them — without exception — to develop personally and professionally.
    3. Avoiding any type of occupational discrimination in the areas of access to employment, promotion, professional classification, training, compensation, work/life balance and other working conditions.
    4. Contributing to maintaining working environments that are free of harassment and behavior that is violent or offensive to people's rights and dignity, and guarantee that, if it occurs, there are appropriate procedures for dealing with the problem and correcting it.
    5. Achieving an optimal level of occupational security and achieving a working environment that allows NWL professionals to carry out their work in the best physical and psychical conditions and conditions of well-being.
    6. Promoting the establishment of payment conditions that guarantee a decent salary, acknowledging the effort and contribution of employees to the company profit.
    7. Offering employees the opportunity to channel and develop their most charitable side through Corporate Volunteering.
  2. Clients and insured parties. They are the basis of the business, including the potential client and, therefore, NWL assumes the following commitments:
    1. Providing honest assessment and full information regarding the characteristics and qualities of NWL products and services, before they are hired.
    2. Providing an accessible and quality service within the agreed time frame, tracking the client experience, using surveys to measure their satisfaction and other methods and systems that facilitate continual active listening to the client in all the processes and operations where the latter relates to the company.
    3. Maintaining due confidentiality in processing their data.
    4. Managing and resolving their claims in the shortest time possible.
    5. Maintaining appropriate and efficient channels of communication using the most appropriate means.
    6. Continually innovating so as to provide added-value services and products, facilitating and promoting access to insurance for the greatest number of groups.
    7. Respecting and complying with the rules that regulate communications and marketing activities and assuming the voluntary codes that lend transparency and truth to these actions.
  3. Suppliers. NWL has a supplier relationship and management model that attempts to ensure a socially responsible and ethical process in its action with all the participants in the value chain. This involves:
    1. Adopting responsible practices that generate mutual value, in addition to focusing on efficiency and the quality of products and/or services provided by NWL suppliers.
    2. Ensuring that the value chain complies with NWL’s values and principles, with the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the principles established in this policy.
    3. Guaranteeing that both the Corporate Procurement Regulations and the General Model Guidelines and service provider management policies are complied with within the Company.
  4. Distributors/Agents. NWL commitments:
    1. Maintaining permanent dialog using the specific platforms and commercial structures created for this purpose.
    2. Ensuring selection and payment processes that allow professional responsibilities and skills to be valued, along with other aspects of interest that ensure the quality of the service provided.
    3. Implementing a training model adapted to the needs of each distributor, paying special attention to training focused on compliance with NWL values and strategy and the CSR Policy.
  1. Shareholders. NWL considers that its relationship with shareholders and investors, besides being based on trust, must have the goal of creating sustainable value, and undertakes to promote informed participation by shareholders at general meetings, dealing with them all in the same manner.
  2. Society. NWL is committed to the economic and social development of the countries where it carries out its activity and therefore:
    1. Assumes the impact that its activity generates in society, evaluating and managing non-financial, ethical, governing, reputational, social and environmental risk, in accordance with what is established in the Company's Risk Management Policy or any other complementary corporate policy adopted.
    2. It is bound to those social activities or initiatives that benefit society.

In this regard NWL considers that its priority social action sectors are: disability, road safety and accident prevention, promotion of insurance culture, health promotion, the environment and corporate volunteering.


This policy will be developed and will complement the different policies that are approved within the Company in direct relation to the general and specific principles of action established.

Applied from January, 2020



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  Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam.
+(84)-2583 820 656
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